I love finding new Christian artist to jam out to and last week (while I should have been asleep) I found one of my new favorite bands. The band is called King's Kaleidoscope and they describe themselves as “organized chaos”. That’s one thing I love about them. They have so many instruments playing in their music yet they make it work.
The band released a new ep last week and for a week its free on their website (http://badchristian.com/band/kings-kaleidoscope/). I downloaded it and am so in love with all of them and their great messages that I am going to feature all of them! Strap on your seat belts and prepare for awesomeness.
This song goes over how Christ went through unimaginable suffering to get us and then how we, being in a relationship with Him, will go through struggles also. It reminds us to just focus on Him because He is worth it.
1. Fix My Eyes
This song goes over how Christ went through unimaginable suffering to get us and then how we, being in a relationship with Him, will go through struggles also. It reminds us to just focus on Him because He is worth it.
2. Felix Culpa
If you have never heard of the term Felix Culpa you are not alone. In short it means “Fortunate Fall”. The song talks about how the positive of the Fall of Man is that we got to experience God’s beautiful grace. (PS. This is my favorite song on the ep and the bridge hits me every time.)
3. Seek Your Kingdom
Read Matthew 6: 25-35 while listening to this song. It will make the experience by knowing where they the inspiration for the lyrics.
4. Defender
Their fourth song on the album reminds us that we seriously do not have to be afraid if God is with us. He is our defender.
5. Be Thou My Vision
This famous hymn is singing out to God to keep our eyes on Him and remember how wonderful He is.
6. Higher Throne
Higher Throne started out as my least favorite (because I am sometimes too impatient for slow songs) but it has shifted into one of my favorites. It just screams out the beauty of God and how our lives were made to center around Him.
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