Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day of School

[I was suppose to post this all on Tuesday but I couldn't think of a title and I forgot (just like how I forgot to do a memory verses). Sorry.]
This may all seem random but yesterday was my first day of school. If you read my I'm Back post, you know I was extremely anticipating this day.
... It did not at all go as planned and yesterday and today I reflected on it during school. I hope this will be encouraging to someone out there.
Here are two inserts from my very personal journal (ok, the first one is just something I scribbled on paper):

Insert #1
It's interesting how you can go into a situation with all the faith in the world, knowing that because you prayed, everything will work out in your favor, but in one instant, everything shatters and your perfect day turns into a dark pit. A pit of physical loneliness. That's where I am.
Algebra 2 class surrounded by a group of friends that just so happened to get into a class together. I didn't get into the same class as my best friend, I didn't even get in the same lunch as her [one can say I was a tad bit jelly]. So hear I am, wondering why God didn't answer my prayers but to be honest all I can do is laugh. The situation is so bad its hilarious. So I know that even though I will probably be eating lunch alone today and I want to cry, God is going to still have a good year. I can't wait to look back at this school year and laugh with the joy of the Lord because He is going to do amazing things!

There was a sense of optimism at the end of that. But I has Algebra 2nd period and as the day went on all I wanted to do was cry. In fact, when my mom picked my sister and me up, I did. However thanks to God using amazing people like my friends and family, I had my perspective back for today!

Insert #2
I found out yesterday that I am a major "planner".  I organize exactly how I want my life to go and for some reason whenever what I planed doesn't happen, I am left confused and depressed. It's like, I prayed for something right? So why didn't it happen?
This year I expected to have classes with my friends and not be alone at lunch. That didn't happen and I realized my optimism was limited to my situation and what I thought the future would hold.
But God had other plans, like He always does. Now after a blissful summer learning about Him, I am forced into classes when I barely know a soul and where God truly is my only friend.
The verse Proverbs 16:9 has taken on a totally new meaning for me this past day.

Proverbs 16:9 (NKJV)
A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.

My heart had been planning out this whole school year and when everything didn't happen the way I thought it should, I was shocked into a state of depression. I honestly thought being around friends would make this the best school year thus far when truly, being in God's will will do that.
And as I am writing this I am sitting alone during lunch with a smile on my face, truly excited to do what God has made me to do.

Sorry this post was so long, I wanted it to be brief, but hey, whatcha gonna do? I pray this will encourage you while we all transfer into the new school year.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Music Monday: The Young and The Brutal

Today is the first day of school for me so I wanted to put out the song I will be listening to all morning: The Young and The Brutal! It's a song by my favorite band: House of Heroes, and the song in some aspects describes my life and is my prayer to God.
I don't want to "sink in a sea of apathy" anymore. God has put me in this suburb with the Xanax teens around me so I can proclaim the gospel to them and show them that Christ brings freedom! I am right where I belong at my High School and so are you. God put you where you are to make a difference, so do just that to the glory of our Father!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back to School with Ally!

Hi there guys this is Ally!! Summer has finally come to an end for both me and Ashley, but it's okay because I feel this school year will be the best yet, and I believe it's better to start the year out positive! This summer was filled with great memories for me like going I the UK and Ireland, taking a girls trip with my mom, spending time with friends, and most importantly maintaining and strengthening my relationship with God. More now than ever I believe God is an important part of my life, and especially during this school year I know He will be there with me whenever I call on Him, and He will give me peace. I pray all of you will have a great year and continue to check out God's Grace! God bless!!

-Ally :)

"And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." ‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ (AMP)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I'm Back!

I guess I should have announced my summer long hiatus… but I was too lazy to. And that is honestly why I’ve barely posted this summer: laziness. And that is a sin so… I guess I should honestly pray about that.

Anyway school is about to be back so I will once again have a sense of deadlines which means I will once again get blog posts out. Since it is my junior year (the quote unquote “hardest year of the best four years of your life”) I may not be able to do my normal post every Saturday, however I will give my best efforts to have memory verse of the week and  music Monday. Speaking of Music Monday, I will probably be doing a lot more than that. This summer I found a lot of sick bands and songs that I can’t wait to share with all of you, so look forward to see random music up on the blog on any random day!
This summer was the busiest one I’ve ever experienced.
Highlights of my summer:
  • Church Camp at Panama Beach Florida
  • VBS (I volunteered, didn’t attend. Even though wanted to…)
  • My 1st Mission Trip

And in between all of that I filled my time with church activities. (This is the first summer I can remember my family didn’t go on vacation. Gasp.) Basically I have been totally boxed in from the world. That is both good and bad. Good because I have really gotten stronger in my relationship with God this summer and bad because August 25, the first day of school, is probably going to be a total culture shock for me. But I am looking forward to it!

The last thing I want to share is what God has taught me this summer (or reinforced into my mind):
1. God is enough and He fills me up
  • I finally grasped this, a couple of days ago, after an incident with a friend and I have never felt closer to my Heavenly Father! Explaining this is impossible and to be honest, I don’t think anyone can truly understand how God is enough until they go through something and God shows His faithfulness more than ever.
2. He truly does use me
  • This summer I was able to meet a lot of really amazing people and from our conversations, or just me listening to them, I realized God is using me. I sin every day and fall so woefully short of His glory but He redeems me and USES me for His kingdom! Seriously, me! It is truly amazing to see how many lives He has touched this summer from someone like me!
3. Pray
Pretty straight forward here. Prayer is one of the most important things in a Christian life and I don’t do it enough.
  • This summer three of my friends and I all made prayer journals together and it has changed my life. I will hopefully do a post about the prayer journal soon.
4. Community
  • I am totally shy but a lot of people don’t know that because I love people so much (and honestly, I fake confidence sometimes)! I am blessed to live in an area with so many Christians, not just people who go to my church, but all Christians. The Body of Christ is such a blessing and this year I am definitely going to take more advantage of it.
5. God is power
  • Looking back at my prayer journal or my normal journal, I see God’s faithfulness and power. It is something that makes me wants to cry tears of joy and laugh out loud because He is SOO powerful and it just blows my small mind!

This summer I am 100% convinced that God has been preparing me for this upcoming school year. There is going to be some crazy faith at my High School and I am so stoked! Stay tuned for more posts coming up soon. I’m back!