Today's song is Nothing is Impossible by Planetshakers. This song proclaims that with God, we can do anything! If we live by faith then miracles happen and God makes everything possible!
Regular Function
Spiritual Function
Defense or Offense
Ephesians 6:14- Stand therefore, having fastened on
the belt of truth…
Holds everything together so nothing falls
The "Belt of Truth" holds the rest of the armor together. It’s the
"Belt of Truth" because if you have lies holding you together, you
Ephesians 6:14- …and having put on the breastplate
of righteousness…
Protects the chest and heart
The "Breastplate of Righteousness" protects our hearts so they are
not destroyed. When our hearts are injured, we are ineffective for God.
Ephesians 6:15-… and, as shoes for your feet, having
put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.
Used to run and go places quickly
The shoes ready to give the gospel of peace are used so we can
quickly share the gospel to people who need to hear about Jesus.
Ephesians 6:16- In all circumstances take up the
shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the
evil one;
Protects the whole body
When you have a "Shield of Faith", nothing can get through. The shield stops doubt from getting to you
and you will not be affected when people try to question your faith.
Ephesians 6:17- …and take the helmet of salvation…
Protects your head and mind
The “Helmet of Salvation" protects your mind from doubts of your
salvation. When you have the Helmet, you have the Word sanctified in your
head so you will know that salvation is not based on how you preform, but
solely on what Jesus did on the cross.
Ephesians 6:17- …and the sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God.
Used to fight the enemy
The “Sword of the Spirit” is the Word of God which is the sword you
use to fight the enemy and fight temptation. When Jesus was tempted, He even
used the Old Testament to resist temptation (Matthew 4:40).
The only offense part in the whole armor of God